Every structure requires a foundation.
Since coming to Ntonga, implementing a solid structure has been a primary focus. I am excited to report the schools foundation is structurally progressing and its participants visions, aligning!
In the past two weeks, key persons in the Ntonga Board have taken new steps enforcing student sign in sheets, and teacher signatures, to maintain concrete records of music classes in progress.
To my excitement young new faces walk through the doors of Ntonga Music School daily. A recorder class was launched three weeks back now thanks to the ideas and encouragment of two American music teachers, Nellie and Karmella, who visited and assessed the needs of the school. This class gives youth the opportunity to pursue an instrument and explore their own musical sound.
While there is no piano teacher in place currently, youth show up each day giving the teachers and me hope and inspiration. In the afternoon, students wait in line to teach themselves on the piano and keyboard with assistance from Pokie and his daughter, Onke. Since the Ntonga Board assessed CV's, two new teachers, Sticks on percussion and Dave on saxohpone, have started teaching weekly. Their energy adds a new element of inspiration, dedictaion and humor (at moments) to the school.
The third "Life-Skills Course" took place last Saturday. Each week new faces join and new ideas circulate. Student participation brings life and meaning to each session and encourages engagement and new levels of learning and understanding.
A Ntonga Board and teachers meeting is scheduled for this coming Monday.
New ideas, hope and inspiration continue to emerge as the school progresses sustainably forward.
More soon, Guguletu.
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